Litteratur, Musik og Bøger

Tekster , film og billeder der har præget mit tankegods om
organisationer og proces:

Fritjof Capra
Richard P. Feynman
Stuart Kaufmann, At home in the universe, 1995
Arthur Young, The reflexive universe, 1976
David Bohm, on dialogue
Buckminster Fueller
Rupert Sheldrake and Matthew Fox; the physics of Angels,Organisations teoretisk:
Peter Senge & co
Edgar Schein
Kurt Lewin
Benedicte Madsen
Arie de Geus, den levende virksomhed
Margareth Wheatley, Leadership and the New Science
Margaret Wheatley, A simpler way,
Maturana & Varela, The Tree of knowledge, 1987
Gregory Bateson

Apocalypse Now, Francis Ford Coppola
Richard Linkater, Waking Life
Gabriel Garcia MarquÈs, Patriarkens efterår
Georges Perec, La vie mode de'emploi, 1978
Tahar Ben Jelloun
Herman Hesse, Glasperlespillet
Edvard Hopper
Sun Ra, Space is the Place, 1972
Miles Davis, Bitches Brew,
Quincy Jones

J. P Sartre, L' existencialisme est un humanisme, 1946
Simone De Beauvoir, L'existencialisme et la sagesse des nations,
C.P Snow, Two Cultures and a Second Look, 1959
Ortega y gasset, La deshumanizacion del arte,
Jean-Francoise Lyotard, The postmodern condition, a report on knowledge